Hypnotherapy with Janet Masucci
Some Facts about Hypnosis
Hypnotherapy is a safe, pleasant relaxing experience. Whatever brings you to hypnotherapy, one of the side effects is a relaxed state of well being.
What is hypnosis? The hypnotic state is a natural condition that everyone experiences every day. It can be experienced as a mentally relaxed state one passes through while day dreaming, driving a car, watching TV, etc. While it can be similar to a dream, hypnosis is not sleep, although it can feel like sleep at times. In hypnosis one has an increased receptivity to suggestion.
Why use hypnosis? When we are in this receptive or mentally relaxed state, we can get in touch with our unconscious without our rational or analytical thoughts interfering. By contacting the unconscious, we can change the beliefs and behaviors that have outlived their usefulness as we become more fully evolved human beings.
How can I get hypnotized and how will I know if I was? Probably the easiest way to experience hypnosis the first time is to be guided into it. With practice a person can hypnotize himself or herself better than anyone else can. With an experienced guide with whom you trust and a safe comfortable setting, you can allow yourself to experience hypnosis.
Focus your attention on the hypnotist and use your imagination. Hypnosis is NOT a physical condition. Wondering if you are hypnotized is just the kind of thinking that gets in the way of allowing it to happen. Luckily, hypnosis is an easy state to achieve, so relax and expect it to work! If you are getting results, you can assume you were hypnotized.
Aren’t some people un-hypnotizable? There are countless reasons why a person might resist hypnosis and there are countless approaches. Everyone can self-induce this state. We pass in and out of hypnosis naturally every day. Intelligent, creative and imaginative people generally have an easy time being hypnotized.
Suppose it doesn’t work? You will not accept any suggestions that you don’t like or that go against your ethics. You can even lie under hypnosis to protect yourself. If the suggestions aren’t working, re-evaluate them. The suggestions may be unrealistic, premature or too confusing. Ask yourself if this is what you really want? Have you allowed enough time for it to work? A suggestion needs time to grow like a seed. It needs to be nurtured and reinforced for long lasting results.
What are the reasons that people get hypnotized? A person may want lose a habit, an outdated belief, or a knee jerk reaction. Usually, people want to acquire more confidence in some area. Sometimes they are looking for healing information or inner guidance, personal growth or just more happiness and well being in their lives.
Hypnosis Can Be Helpful with...
Cigarette Addiction Recovery
Concentration & Memory
Creativity & Self Expression
Dream Exploration
Exploring Childhood Memories
Exploring Past Life Memories
Healing Physical & Emotional Trauma
Healthy Eating Habits
Intuitive Development
Motivation & Confidence
Pain Control
Physical healing
Pregnancy & Childbirth
Psychic Protection
Relaxation & Stress Management
Spiritual Growth